
1. 论文改写


为了使您的研究论文表达清晰、纯正和符合国际标准,我们会重新调整不合适的段落和结构,改写有问题的句子和用词、精简重复累赘的表达、以及检查专业用语的适用性等。经过我们的改写,您的研究论文将会 “焕然一新”! 给您举个例子:


A convenience sample of competitive school-age club swimmers was recruited from swim teams which were consisted of four club members in Ankara. Of the 104 enrolled swim-team members, 46 swimmers (63.5%) participated in this study. Age- and sex-matched 102 non-sport-involved peers (controls) were selected from surrounding community. Swimmers (41.3% males) and controls (41.2% males) mean ages were 10.9(1.99) years and 10.6(1.98) years (mean(SD)), respectively. To be included in the study, swimmers and controls had to meet these selection criteria: (a) in good health, with no known disease including diabetes, cancer, or heart disease; (b) not currently on a reducing diet, and for controls, not exercising vigorously (less than three moderate to vigorous aerobic sessions longer than 30 minutes a week). Swimmers had trained for 3.6 (1.74) years and the total time spent daily on swim was to average 1.5 (0.49) hours.


One hundred four school-aged swimmers were recruited from 4 swim teams in Ankara, Turkey. Of these, 46 swimmers (41.2% male; mean age, 10.9 ± 1.99 years) participated in this study. These swimmers were compared with 102 age- and sex-matched non-sport–involved peers (controls; 41.3% male; mean age, 10.6 ± 1.98 years) from the surrounding community. Inclusion criteria were good health with no known disease including diabetes, cancer, or heart disease; not currently on a reducing diet; and for controls, not exercising vigorously (ie, < 3 moderate to vigorous aerobic sessions longer than 30 minutes each week). Swimmers had trained for a mean of 3.6 ± 1.74 years, and the mean total time spent swimming daily was 1.5 ± 0.49 hour.


2. 英文润色和校对

对于每一篇论文,我们都会按照美国医学协会 (American Medical Association) 的要求进行润色和校对,包括语意、时态、风格、使用偏好、语法、拼写、标点、大小写等。


  • 根据美国医学协会的要求,下面缩写的专用术语中哪些可以直接使用,哪些需要在首次出现时全拼:GVHD、HIPAA、HTML、HDL、LDL、MRI or CT? (正确答案:除了HTML外,其它专用术语在文中首次出现时都应全拼)
  • “典型症状” 的正确表达应该是 “classic symptoms” 还是 “classical symptoms”? (正确答案:classic symptoms! “Classical” 一般用于人文、历史和艺术方面,如 “classical music”)
  • Neonates or newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and adults 各是指多大年龄的人呢? (正确答案:它们分别指 “出生到1个月”、“1个月到1年”、“1~12岁”、“13~17岁”、“18岁或以上”)
  • 在表达数理统计中的P值时应该使用哪种形式呢:P = 0.05、P=.05、p=.05、P = .05、还是p=0.05? (正确答案:P = .05)

如果您对上述问题无法正确回答;或者如果您还在使用 “animals are sacrificed” (而不是 killed),“your lab” (而不是 laboratory),“ruptured lumbar disc” (而不是 disk),那么您应该将您的研究论文寄给我们修改,因为我们有15年以上的论文编辑经验!

3. 文章格式

很多 SCI 生物医学杂志对格式不标准的文章会直接退稿。作为多家生物医学杂志的编辑,我们 MedEditor 的专业成员会按照不同医学杂志的要求,对文章的格式,包括摘要、参考文献、正文、表格、图表和标题等进行检查和修改。作为同行,我们知道 SCI 期刊编辑和审稿人想要什么以及希望作者如何写。我们会使您的论文变得完美!

4. 参考文献校对

是的,我们还会按照美国国家医学图书馆 (National Library of Medicine) 的索引对每一篇参考文献进行校对,确保无误。参考文献看起来是个相对容易的事,但事实是,很多文章中参考文献错误百出,包括拼错作者的姓名、错引文献的页数、错误使用 “et al.” 等等,这常常让编辑和审稿人感到沮丧,从而影响您的论文被接受发表的机会。


另外,我们也提供对包括书籍、Cover letter 等在内的其它文件进行修改和英文润色服务。